
What Does It Mean When A Speed Camera Flashes

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UK speed cameras explained

Everything you lot demand to know almost U.k. speed cameras, the types, how they work and what to look out for

Speed camera apps

While they may not be the well-nigh popular piece of safety equipment, speed cameras are an integral function of the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland road network. Yous're about certainly aware of their existence, only may not be aware of the variety of speed camera types or where they tend to be found.

This guide will aid you to understand how the different types of UK speed cameras actually piece of work, and answer some commonly asked questions.

Whether in the form of a bright yellow static unit of measurement - often referred to as 'gatsos' after a manufacturer of the equipment - or a mobile unit in the back of a marked police vehicle, speed cameras act equally a skillful visual deterrent and assistance enforce speed limits when driving.

Some motorists see them equally a revenue earner, though, as they can only catch speeders and are unable to spot unlicensed drivers, uninsured cars, drink and drug-drivers or the general bad driving road traffic officers are able to identify.

History of the speed camera

The commencement speed camera appeared in the UK in 1991 on the M40 superhighway in West London. The cameras used rolls of flick, which had to be adult and processed, and this also meant that there was a limit on how many speeders they could catch - it's thought that the first photographic camera used upwardly its 400-exposure curlicue in 40 minutes later it was first switched on.

Over the years, the network was upgraded with technology such as forward-facing and digital cameras - meaning no more demand to alter rolls of film. Modern alive cameras can exist operated 24/7, uploading images direct to a key command room. Average speed cameras accept also been introduced to monitor vehicle speed over longer distances, rather than merely in one location, while traffic lite and wrong-turn cameras are as well common.

Technological improvements have also resulted in the introduction of cameras that no longer need a flash to snap speeding vehicles at night. Another development is the latest mobile cameras now existence able to operate over far longer distances than before. If y'all're speeding, a modern mobile camera could well have spotted you long before you've spotted it.

United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland speed camera types explained

Here's our guide to the different types of camera used on UK roads, and later we tell you what to await if you think you've been defenseless speeding. The most common cameras in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland are Gatso and Truvelo speed cameras, but there are more a dozen different types of speed camera in use on United kingdom roads in total. So without farther ado, here'due south what you should be looking for.

Gatso speed cameras

Gatso static speed camera

The Gatso was the first type of speed camera seen in the Uk, and it'south still the well-nigh common type yous'll detect. First introduced in 1991, the Gatso - short for Gatsometer, the name of the Dutch company that makes them - is a rear-facing camera. That means it faces up the road and takes a moving picture of the rear of a speeding vehicle, so it tin can catch motorcycles too as cars, vans and trucks.

A Gatso camera is easy to spot, as speed cameras must be painted yellow past law (in Scotland they have yellow and red diagonal stripes), although they can exist obscured by road signs, street furniture and poorly maintained hedgerows. Gatsos are ordinarily mounted at the side of the route on a pole, although they tin can besides be used in mobile units or on overhead gantries, such every bit you lot'll find on the motorway.

Gatsos use radar to measure a vehicle'southward speed, but the police says that in that location needs to be secondary proof of speeding. This is why all Gatso locations have dashed lines painted on the route in front of them. These dashes are spaced evenly and are used to measure altitude over time, and so when a Gatso is activated it takes two pictures a fraction of a 2nd apart, which can then be checked to meet if an offence has been committed. The photographic camera features a flash, and this goes off with each photograph that'due south taken.

On unmarried carriageway roads, two sets of dashed lines are unremarkably painted at a Gatso location. That ways vehicles using either side of the route tin can be measured for speeding, merely only in the direction that the Gatso is pointing. That ways a camera site tin only catch vehicles travelling abroad from it - if you are speeding towards ane and it flashes, a ticket tin't exist issued. Gatsos are also reliant on the dashed lines in the road - if the lines aren't nowadays, then the photos lonely cannot be used to prosecute speeders.

While the starting time Gatso cameras used photographic film to record speeders, a new generation of digital photographic camera arrived in 2007. These use a hard bulldoze to store images and can be run 24/7 with a directly link to a control centre where the images are stored.

Truvelo speed cameras

Truvelo digital static speed camera

The other common type of speed camera in the UK is the Truvelo, which is named afterwards the South African company that makes it. While Truvelo cameras look similar to a Gatso considering they are painted yellow and mounted on a pole, the chief deviation betwixt a Truvelo and a Gatso is that virtually Truvelo sites are forward facing.

Equally with a Gatso, a Truvelo camera uses a wink to go a clear image of a speeding vehicle's number plate, but information technology too has a special filter on the flash that stops information technology from dazzling drivers. While this means that motorcycles (which lack front number plates) are harder to identify when speeding, the Truvelo can be used to identify the driver of a speeding vehicle.

The Truvelo only takes 1 motion-picture show, because the speeding offence is registered past sensors in the road which actuate the camera. Yet, every bit with a Gatso, the photographic evidence needs fill-in, so small-scale white squares are painted on the road where the sensors are to human action as secondary evidence that a vehicle is speeding.

In recent years, the Truvelo has evolved into the Truvelo D-Cam. This is a digital version of the Truvelo that can be mounted forward or rear facing, can also exist used at traffic lights, and can fifty-fifty be set upward to watch upwards to iii lanes at a time. The D-Cam comes in a distinctive housing, while some take a flash unit split from the camera itself - which over again makes no visible light.

HADECS speed cameras

Smart motorway speed camera

HADECS three stands for Highways Agency Digital Enforcement Camera System 3, which is the proper name given to the speed photographic camera organisation that is being used on smart motorways across the country.

Hadecs units come in two modest housings that are mounted on the side of pike gantries. Thanks to their limited use of yellowish to requite away their location, and the fact they are about half the size of a Gatso or Truvelo camera unit of measurement, some people have chosen them stealth speed cameras, equally they can be difficult to spot when travelling at 70mph.

Similar other speed cameras, there are lines painted on the road that are used as secondary proof of speeding. And similar a Gatso, Hadecs is a rear-facing radar camera, and information technology flashes when it picks up a vehicle travelling at more than the speed limit.

The innovation that allows Hadecs to exist used on a smart motorway is its ability to adjust its detection speed according to the variable speed limit that's posted. Information technology does this by receiving data from sensors further along the carriageway, so when you come across a lower limit posted on a smart thruway, the Hades cameras ahead tin can grab yous for breaking it.

Likewise every bit speeding, Hadecs cameras tin be fix to monitor up to five lanes, and they tin can detect vehicles that are using closed superhighway lanes. As they are radar-based, they are able to work in all atmospheric condition conditions, besides.

SPECS speed cameras

Speed camera variable speed

The SPECS camera organisation works differently considering information technology measures vehicle speed over a far greater distance than a Gatso or Truvelo camera. You'll come across 2 or more sets of cameras to monitor vehicle speed for an extended distance, and this tin be for as little as 200 yards. SPECS cameras are often referred to as boilerplate speed cameras and are popular for use in roadworks where a lower speed limit than usual needs to be enforced.

SPECS uses Automated Number Plate Reading (ANPR) tech to annals vehicles as they pass. The starting time camera logs the vehicle with a time and appointment postage stamp. Once the vehicle has passed the 2d camera, the time stamps on the two images are compared, and if the time taken to cover the distance means the average speed is higher than the posted limit, then a ticket is issued.

You volition usually detect SPECS camera systems on motorways, specially in roadworks. And while some people think that weaving between lanes tin help you laissez passer them undetected, the truth is that the SPECS system tin monitor multiple lanes. It'due south also no use slowing for the cameras and then speeding betwixt them, because the system measures your average speed betwixt the two locations, not just how fast you lot're going as you pass either camera.

Mobile speed camera vans

As well every bit these fixed speed cameras, many regions use mobile cameras to provide temporary coverage in areas where speeding is known to occur. Mobile units are usually located in vans that are marked as a safe camera vehicle with a bright livery, and they characteristic opening windows or panels to betoken the cameras through. You will usually discover them parked at the side of the road, in laybys (although non where parking restrictions utilize) and also on bridges over roads.

The kind of cameras these mobile units use include mini Gatso cameras that use radar technology but in that location are also handheld radar or laser gun cameras. A laser gun uses a narrow laser beam that is reflected off a vehicle to mensurate its speed. These devices are quick and constructive, beingness able to register a vehicle'due south speed in as little as half a second and upwardly to a distance of a mile away.

A radar gun works similarly to a laser gun. It has a wider beam and only works up to effectually 300 yards, while information technology will just come up back with a reading afterward around 3 seconds, simply it's all the same an accurate way of registering a car'due south speed.

Mobile camera vans can exist set up in any direction to catch speeders, and can just as easily exist set up up to take hold of speeders approaching the camera site as going away from the site. Every bit with stock-still photographic camera locations, a mobile photographic camera site must have route signs indicating its presence, but apart from that, mobile cameras tin can be set up at any time.

In terms of location, mobile units are usually institute in places notorious for accidents or speeding in the past, and are not normally pitched up in random places. There is no legal requirement for a van to be conspicuously visible to the vehicles passing it, however operators volition more probable park their vehicles in a place that could be deemed 'off-white' rather than opting for a stealthy approach.

Other speed cameras

Gatsos, Truvelos, SPECs and Hadecs iii are the nigh common types of speed photographic camera on UK roads, while other cameras that are available do a like job. These are in addition to cameras which are used for traffic monitoring, catching vehicles that spring traffic lights (which incidentally aren't required by law to be painted yellow) and cameras used by government agencies to bank check road taxation and other ANPR-based activities.

Whichever fashion you look at information technology, the best style to ensure yous're not caught speeding is to remain aware of the speed limit and stick to it.

The large Speed camera questions answered

How do I know if a speed photographic camera caught me?

If you lot have passed a speed camera and were exceeding the speed limit, it may or may not have flashed. The only way you lot volition know for certain that y'all accept been caught is when the registered keeper of the vehicle receives a Annotation of Intended Prosecution (NIP). This will get in within xiv days of the offence taking place and will explain what happens next. This 14-24-hour interval dominion is in identify so that companies, such equally vehicle lease firms and automobile hire firms, can determine who was driving the vehicle at the time of the offence.

If you are the ane that was caught speeding, and so yous will face a minimum fine of £100 and iii points on your licence. If your driving licence is clean, then y'all may exist offered the option of taking a speed awareness course instead of the penalty points.

Speed cameras variable speed

The electric current maximum fine for a speeding offence is £1,000, but this increases upwards to £ii,500 on the motorway. The amount yous pay and the number of points y'all could face will depend on how much you were exceeding the speed limit by, too equally your level of income.

If y'all plead not guilty y'all will exist summoned to courtroom, and the initial penalty may be increased if you are institute to be guilty of speeding.

Practise all speed cameras flash?

Most speed cameras flash when they capture an image, only y'all might not see the flash of a Truvelo forward-facing camera. That's because forward-facing Truvelo cameras have a special filter over the flash to prevent dazzling oncoming drivers. If a camera is operating in skilful lite weather condition, the flash may not necessarily go off, either.

How do mobile speed cameras piece of work?

Mobile speed camera units must be parked legally, either at the side of the road, in a layby or on a bridge, and operators must make motorists aware of their presence with the use of speed photographic camera warning signs. That means they can operate in areas where the signs are already fixed, or they need to put up temporary signs nearby.

A speed photographic camera van usually has openings at the rear or the side of the van for the cameras to accept a articulate line of sight of the route they are checking. Depending on the camera existence used, the speed camera van can observe speeding vehicles upwardly to two miles away on a clear mean solar day, particularly with the latest camera technology being used.

The photographic camera is operated either past a law officer or past a certified camera operator associated with a local speed camera partnership.

Is there any leniency?

It has been claimed that if your speed is within x per cent of the limit, plus 2mph, y'all volition non exist automatically issued with a speeding fine. This is a grey expanse as some police force forces are less willing to divulge this information than others. The best rule to follow is to simply non exceed the speed limit.

How tin I avert a speeding fine?

Of course, the easiest way of avoiding points and a fine is to check your speed at all times and go along inside the speed limit. But with so much street article of furniture then many distractions bombarding the average motorist, it'south not too hard to get caught out by a modify in speed limit.

Most new cars now feature built-in speed limit warning engineering that will alert you lot if you are above the limit, and you can also buy devices that can be retrofitted to serve the same purpose, or apply a smartphone app in a phone holder. If you want added security, and then a speed camera locator is also an choice.

Speed camera detectors use GPS location engineering science to warn yous of stock-still camera locations. In addition, the all-time units also feature light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and radar detecting technology to warn you of mobile speed photographic camera sites, as well every bit those fixed locations that aren't logged on to the device's database. The best speed camera locators can testify you your speed, besides every bit calculating your average speed inside a SPECS average speed photographic camera location.

If you desire to know exactly why they be, read our guide to Uk speed limits ...

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