Well, I did information technology. This weekend, I sent off all my Catechism gear – my 5DMII, even my Rebel xti, lenses, flashes, extender tubes, and extra batteries to a used photographic camera shop to get a quote. He's sending me a bank check tomorrow. A part of me feels empty and a part of me feels excited. Afterwards my review of the Fuji X-T1 Graphite Silver Edition, I decided I just could non live without the mirrorless. The final nail in the coffin was shooting a wedding last weekend with my typical (slow) Canon gear and really missing that X-T1. And then, pulled the trigger. I decided to sell it all and brand the switch. Here are some tips if you are considering doing the same.

An Emotional Process

I began my career with a Canon Insubordinate kit bought from Costco almost 8 years ago. Like most "mommy togs," I bought it because I loved taking photos of my favorite subject – my baby girl. It evolved into a career and I was able to pick up my first "pro" lens – the Canon 24-105mm f/iv. After my commencement year, my mom and dad who've always supported me in all my crazy notions, decided to buy me the merely released Canon 5D Marker II and a couple of flashes. Somewhere along the way, I also picked up a 50mm f/1.4 and that completed my kit. Simple, nothing fancy, just that kit (along with renting the 70-200mm) took me through hundreds of portrait sessions and weddings. My Canon kit and I have been through a lot and and so giving information technology all up for something completely foreign to everything I knew and have worked with, well, it's actually a very scary and an emotional process.

Me and my trusty Canon Insubordinate xti…a loooonnnggg time ago when I didn't know how to use it

I know the Canon brand, I know the camera, I know the lenses, I know the accessories. For Fuji, I'm not totally certain what lenses they have, what wink systems work with it, the correct bombardment to utilize, etc. I'm thankful I have Anthony Thurston, our product review editor (and recent Fuji convert), who has answered all of my questions thus far. But goodbyes are rough, even when it'due south just an inanimate object and even if you've been bored with that object for a while now. My Canon and I take been through a lot together and packing information technology all up in boxes was really much tougher than I expected.

Where to Sell Your Used Camera Gear

At that place are many options when it comes to selling your gear. There isn't one option that is a one size fits all and depending on your needs, one option might work better for you than another.

ane. A Local Camera Store

If you desire the easiest option with the to the lowest degree amount of stress, selling or trading in your gear at a local camera shop is a great bet. They will expect at your equipment and offer y'all a price for it. You can negotiate or accept their offer and yous walk away with store credit or a check. You'll most likely become the to the lowest degree amount of money than the other options I'll listing here, but you can avoid the hassle of having to photograph it, list information technology, collect payment on information technology and ship it – or meet someone sketchy from Craigslist.

This is actually the option I went with. I sent all my stuff to a camera store where my friend works, they paid for shipping and offered me a price that was a bit lower than I'd hope for. I negotiated for a bit more and we settled on a price. I got the cheque in the mail and information technology was easy. Could I have gotten a college price if I went with another option? Probably, but for me, the hassle free transaction, beingness able to get rid of all my equipment at once and having a check in paw so I tin can turn effectually and buy my Fuji kit was worth information technology to me.

2. KEH.com

This is the online quote I got from KEH. Nifty.

KEH is a solid and reputable option. Many photographers trust them to give a fair price and you are able to input your equipment for a quote on the spot. You then send your gear in and their staff will inspect your gear, which takes anywhere from 7-10 business days and they requite you lot a final quote. If y'all have the quote, they will transport y'all a check or coin via PayPal. If you don't accept it, they will send all your gear dorsum to you free of charge.

KEH has a reputation for great client service. If you're in the market to purchase a used lens, I hear they offer warranties and their products are in great condition. Again, you won't get equally much for your gear than if you sold information technology yourself, but you are paying for the hassle free experience.

3. B&H and Adorama

Again, both are very reputable, simply both will offering you lower prices than the rest. Out of all three of the higher up, B&H gave me the lowest offering using their online quote calculator. Both companies offer gratis shipping to take your gear shipped over and telephone quotes too in the effect you want to speak to a real person.

4. eBay

You tin can probably get the most for your gear using this option as you can set your toll minimum and let people bid to their hearts content. In that location are a few drawbacks though: you volition need quality photos of your equipment (your ain photos of your gear will instill more confidence for people who are shopping), a loftier seller rating so that people know you are legit and you get all the hassle of advertising, listing and shipping that comes with selling on eBay. This is why I avoided eBay like the plague. Too much effort on my function (I'm lazy).

5. Craigslist

I'm always leery of selling or buying from Craigslist. I hateful it has worked for me in the by; I've gotten a practically new vacuum, and take sold bookcases, baby toys and even a car on Craigslist, but I'm always worried about the people that I run into. There are and then many stories of people getting robbed or even killed over Craigslist transactions. For me, that'due south simply not worth it, not for camera equipment. I know many people that have had lots of luck ownership and selling via CL, just I didn't desire to take the hazard, plus I didn't want to be responsible for selling it all, slice by piece. Who knows how long that would take and I wanted my new camera right away.

My 5DII and I have seen many adventures, weddings and portrait sessions together.
My 5DII and I have seen many adventures, weddings and portrait sessions together.

half dozen. Facebook Groups/Social Media

I've seen many people mail service about selling their gear in their statuses and also in groups/communities specifically geared toward selling photography equipment. There are brand specific groups, photography clubs, community college departments, shootout groups and more. Just do a search on Google or type in 'used camera gear' in your search bar in Facebook to see what pops upwardly. The same problems apply though – yous have to become through the hassle of listing and selling and following the rules of that particular Facebook community.

A Few Tips When Selling Your Gear

These are just a few things that helped me when I sold my gear.

1. When you buy new gear, brand sure to keep the boxes, and along with it the manuals, warranty cards and all the straps, cords and discs. I kept everything and so when it came time to package and ship it all out, I went to my storage unit, collect the boxes and put my gear in. Easy peasy.

You tin can't charge me of "Gear Acquisition Syndrome"

2. Brand sure you remove all the retention cards, added hand straps, batteries, etc before you ship/sell

3. Treat your gear nicely. Matthew Saville is notorious for banging up his gear, about recently letting his Nikon DSLR and Sigma lens take a footling swim in the ocean. Protect your gear as much as you can. Employ a protector for your screen, make sure you lot transport it in for servicing, etc. You'll be able to command a better price.

4. Sell at the right fourth dimension. When is the 'right' time? Well, I'm hearing of more and more than people jumping the DSLR ship for mirrorless and as companies like Sony and Fuji continue on their path of ridiculously awesome camera/lens making, it's going to get more common. If you lot're looking to upgrade to the next new camera body or lens, listing your equipment equally early as possible, perhaps after the announcement or release appointment, might be a good bet. Personally, I decided to sell sooner rather than afterward since my camera gear wasn't getting any younger and rumors of the Mark 4 were getting more than frequent.


Selling my unabridged Catechism kit was both easier and more hard than I thought it would be. I did not expect that I would get so emotional about parting with it, or so fearful to endeavor an entirely new organisation. Actually selling it was quite easy since I decided that it was more than important for me to have piece of listen and less stress (I already have enough stress in my life) than a few hundred dollars. If yous're thinking of selling your gear, what a process information technology is! I hope some of these tips will help you in your quest.

If y'all're on the contrary terminate and are looking to purchase used camera gear, check out this commodity: HOW TO Purchase PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK.

Do yous have feel selling your gear? Whatever advice you're willing to share? Feel free in the annotate department below.