Olsztyn, Poland is reportedly the get-go city in the world to leverage Ethereum'due south blockchain to aid the provision of emergency services, offering yet another tangible use case for distributed ledger technology.

Olsztyn has completed a successful trial run of SmartKey, a bridging applied science that connects blockchain with physical assets, to aid in police, fire and ambulance services.

SmartKey will reportedly enable rescue teams to perform their jobs more efficiently by connecting a smart contract to Teltonika smart devices that are used past local rescue teams. This connectedness enables emergency crews to enter whatsoever building in the city without having to track down a keyholder or look for permission.

Gustaw Marek Brzezin, the marshall of the WarmiƄsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship in which Olsztyn is located, issued the following statement:

"The need for our rescue services to perform their duties without obstruction is a frail one. The utilize of blockchain and SmartKey technology seems to be similar the perfect solution, giving reassurance to building owners and inhabitants, simply also freedom for our emergency services."

SmartKey believes blockchain applied science tin can lay the background for the development of smart cities. Although definitions vary, a smart city refers to any urban area that leverages emerging technologies and sensors to collect information, which tin then be used to manage assets, resources and services more efficiently. As a paradigm, smart cities feed into other theories near sustainability and economic development.

The Internet of Things, or IoT, could have major implications for future smart cities. Connected devices are idea to represent one of the biggest growth opportunities of the side by side decade. The Earth Economical Forum, for example, has identified IoT as an of import colonnade of "urban transformation," particularly after COVID-19.

Several cryptocurrency projects operate in the IoT niche, the largest being Iota (MIOTA) with a marketplace cap of $825 million. At least a dozen others have a market cap of $1 1000000 or more.