
Can I Get A Blog In Kartra

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Last Updated on July 22, 2021

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Kartra vs Kajabi – Who will win the battle of the best online course platform?!

Starting an online business can seem daunting if the right tools and strategies are not employed. Specifically for businesses that sell digital products and services, the initial search for the right tools can make the business owner feel overwhelmed and demotivated.

In light of the *panini*, we have been taught to stand up for ourselves and create something out of nothing. But what if that something requires knowledge that people don't have?

This is where entrepreneurs like you come in.

With years of experience and expertise, you can train these people who are on the outlook for learning new skills and generating new ideas.

But how are you going to transfer that knowledge? Through your own online courses. Yes. You heard it right.

Online learning has surged massively in the past year and this is the perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs like you to create digital products that can provide the exchange of information to those who need it while earning you income.

This article will provide an in-depth analysis of two notable online course platforms – Kartra vs Kajabi. Read till the end to find out why we think Kajabi is the best choice.

Kajabi vs Teachable: Best online course platform

Kajabi vs Kartra – What are they?

Kajabi and Kartra are SaaS applications, software as a service, which allows content creators and entrepreneurs, like you, to successfully curate a website where you can sell digital products, like online courses, and services.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for entrepreneurs and content creators who want to run their business hassle-free, thanks to Kajabi's marketing and sales tools. Kajabi has been around for a while as it originated in 2010 and has managed to secure a firm place in the market.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Kartra platform is relatively new, originated in 2018, and since then, has created a market for itself with its advanced marketing tools and affordable pricing.

Both platforms offer a plethora of marketing and sales tools that will help you in taking your business to the next level by enhancing your sales.

With Kajabi and Kartra you can easily create online courses and monitor your business from a single platform, but here's the catch. While both platforms have their commonalities, they have differences too, and these differences are what set them up against each other.

Let's find out what these differences are, which platform is the best for selling digital products and services like online courses, and why Kajabi is the better Kartra alternative.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

How are they different from other online course platforms?

Before we jump into the clash between Kajabi vs Kartra, let me tell you how these two are different from other online course platforms like Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare and EdX.

Well, first of all, Kajabi and Kartra, course creation is not the only thing you can do, you can practically run your entire business on these two platforms by creating your own website and online store. With that being said, Kajabi and Kartra also give users the freedom to market their business with state-of-the-art tools and features offered by the platforms – this just gives you, the business owner, a lot of freedom and control.

Kajabi vs Kartra – key differences and similarities

Kartra was primarily intended to work as a marketing platform, however, over the years it has upgraded to offer features like website hosting and selling digital products. Kajabi, on the other hand, has been an online course creation platform since the start and it even allows users to host websites and create marketing strategies for their business.

Kajabi understands the significance of content marketing for an online business, therefore, it allows users to run blogs on their websites on Kajabi. Kartra does not offer any such feature.

Kartra offers its users an in-built customer support feature, which entrepreneurs can install on their website to offer a live chat option for their customers. Kajabi does not offer an in-built feature like this, but you can install third-party applications or plugins to offer live chat support.

Kartra offers an in-built scheduling feature that allows users to manage their appointments and tasks within the platform. Kajabi, however, does not offer any such feature and you might have to use a third-party application like Calendly for this purpose.

Despite the differences, the two platforms do agree on some ground where they both provide essential business tools like marketing automation, email marketing, sales funnels, website and course creation tools and plenty of visual design features.

Online Course Creation – Kartra vs Kajabi

Kajabi and Kartra can be used for selling digital products like online courses or creating membership groups where customers will have access to subscription-based content and a community to learn and grow.

Kajabi started off as a course creation platform and this is why it is widely chosen by a lot of course creators and teachers. The platform itself is user-friendly and intuitive. Your online business is a few clicks away with Kajabi's intensive tutorials on how to create a website, launch courses and sell other digital products.

Kajabi allows users to create short courses, in-depth online courses that can be further divided into modules and sections, learning communities for your students to interact and collaborate for enhanced learning and memberships for paid content. Kajabi also provides features like drip content where you can designate a date and time as to when customers can access your course.

Kartra, though a marketing platform initially, also allows users to create online courses, provide for memberships and sell other digital and physical products.

Membership Sites

Kajabi and Kartra allow creators to offer membership sites to their customers which provide room for business growth. Membership sites are the ultimate way to increase your sales and give customers what they value the most.

Kartra allows creators to upload audio and video content on membership sites directly, without the integration of a third-party application. The number of membership sites allowed varies according to the plan you choose – with the starter plan you can create only two sites, but unlimited on higher plans. There is also a bandwidth limit of 50 GB on the content in the starter plan, but the higher plans have unlimited bandwidth. Creators can also choose the drip content feature for membership sites, allowing learners to access content only after they have passed a certain level.

Kajabi, on the other hand, offers even more features for proper functioning of membership sites. Kajabi allows creators to choose from a wide range of themes for products and the design of the site. It even allows customization and features like downloading media files, links to social networking sites, custom site domain, blogs and comment sections. The best part, Kajabi does not have a storage or bandwidth limit on its membership site – and this applies to all plans.

So, you don't have to pay more on Kajabi to get unlimited storage and bandwidth. It is apparent who the winner is here.

Kajabi vs Teachable: Best online course platform

Kajabi pipeline

Course builder

Kajabi's course builder feature is fairly easy to use and comprehend. With Kajabi's video tutorials and instructional articles you can easily create online courses, build an online shop and sell your products. Features that set apart Kajabi are bulk uploading of all course content at once, categorization of content and lesson creation.

Kartra's course builder is relatively less intuitive to use. There are certain tutorials and instruction manuals to begin with, but the user interface is reported not up-to-the-mark by users. In fact, Kartra does not have a bulk upload feature like Kajabi, nor it allows to import content from a cloud service. This implies you will have to upload your course contents one by one and that can be time consuming for a busy bee like you.

Categorization or structuring of course

A well-structured course is visually appealing to learners and makes it convenient to go over the concepts being taught. Both platforms provide features to categorize the course contents into modules or chapters. There are instructions and tutorials available on Kajabi and Kartra to adequately divide your course.

Video hosting

Learning becomes more intuitive when the content is being delivered visually rather than just types out articles or notes. Therefore, Kajabi and Kartra allow creators to include video lectures in their courses.

Kajabi uses Wistia – an online video hosting platform – to create high-quality video courses. Creators can embed these videos on their Kajabi sites. The best part about this is that Wistia adjusts the video quality according to the internet speed of the user, whether you have a low bandwidth or internet with the speed of light, learning won't stop.

This is where Kartra stands out perhaps.

Kartra has an integrated video hosting feature and does not use Wistia or any other platform to embed your videos on your Kartra site. This allows users to add lead magnets and call-to-action during streaming and an analytical report on how learners have interacted with your video content.

Even with this great feature, there is a problem. Kartra only gives a certain amount of storage to content creators and there is a bandwidth limit as to how many videos and which videos can be hosted on Kartra. This applies to all plans – kind of a bummer.

Key takeaway

With a separate video hosting platform and unlimited storage and bandwidth, Kajabi is the ultimate choice.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Learning and engagement features

Student assessment

Testing your students is the best way to gain an insight on their level of understanding. This will allow creators to assess where the content needs revision and will make the learning process a bit challenging and fun.

Kajabi allows creators to create quizzes and assignments to track scores and progress of students. There is no restriction on what type of quiz is created – it can be anything from multiple-choice questions to open-ended questions. Learners can also upload external files like PDFs, documents and media files as an answer. With Kajabi creators can also create lead generation tools for students after they have passed a quiz or assignment, like signups for email lists. This can also be used to send scores of the students directly to their mailbox.

Kartra, however, does not have any feature to create quizzes or tests for students. In order to create quizzes, creators must use third-party platforms and embed them into the Kartra website.

Kajabi also allows creators to generate an online community for their students to create a breeding ground for innovation, collaboration and extended exchange of knowledge. Kartra does not offer this feature, however.

Key Takeaway

Challenges are what enhance the learning process and Kajabi offers creators the opportunity to test their students, thereby, making it the ultimate choice in this department. Moreover, learning communities are essential for uplifting students and exchanging knowledge, and only Kajabi offers that.

Progress Reports

Tracking the progress of students is how a course creator assesses the effectiveness of the course content. Progress reports help in revising the content and observing completion and withdrawal rates of learners to improve the material wherever it lacks. Just like any other business, these reports will help in fixing mistakes to generate sales.

Kajabi allows users to access course analytics which help in understanding how well learners are interacting with the content and helps in categorizing learners based on their understanding and progress.

Kartra, on the other hand, only allows tracking of students' progress on membership sites. Kartra allows creators to display the progress report of users on the membership site so they can view it while navigating. These reports are also available in the analytics section of the membership site.

Key Takeaway

Kajabi offers student progress reports throughout the platform, on any course, not just membership sites, whereas, Kartra has some limitations. Therefore, Kajabi has a win.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Website Builder

Kajabi and Kartra, both allow users to create websites for their businesses but there are differences in the features that both platforms offer. Knowing these differences will help in assessing which platform is best suited for your business.

Kajabi's website builder is a secure and stable tool for which you don't have to be a tech wiz or hire web developers. The website builder includes a ton of exquisitely designed themes, which can be customized as per your liking and web page needs.

Kajabi also allows the option of a custom domain, using a video background for the site, including call-to-actions, testimonials from clients, blogs and plenty of other features. The best thing is that these features are available for all pricing plans.

Kajabi also allows creators to make standalone pages like a sales page, home page, separate from a website. Within the page builder settings, you can edit the visibility, title, SEO and URL of the page as per your liking.

Kartra also offers website hosting and offers more than 200 website templates to choose from, which can be further customized according to the web page type. Kartra dos does not give the option of choosing themes, you just choose from pre-made website templates. All templates have mobile and tablet integration, and analytical tools.

Key Takeaway

Although both have somewhat similar features, Kajabi is offering more value for the money that you are paying – more control over how your site looks and you can create a blog as well.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Email marketing

Email marketing is considered one of the most sought-after marketing techniques in the recent times. When you are offering something valuable to the customer that promises to take all of their pain away, they would sign up for your email list faster than you might think. So, if you think your product offers one-of-a-kind solution to their problem, email marketing can get your business to the next level.

Kartra offers email marketing services through Kartra Mail. This feature employs automation techniques based on personalization and behavior of your customer. This will help in attracting attention of more customers and selling more. Automations will also assess the response of customers on these emails – whether they have opened it, clicked on links, subscribed or purchased your products. However, email lists have a limit in Kartra's Starter and upper-level plans, which can be a downside for an established business that wants to reach as many people as possible.

Kajabi allows creators to market their products via email newsletters as it offers email marketing within the platform and no external plugin or application is required. There is an email editor with numerous themes and templates to select from, according to your business type and needs.

Kajabi also allows you to manage email lists and create campaigns from within the platform by sending out broadcast mails or mails to specific segments of your consumer base, so that only those people receive emails that you want. You can also include calls-to-action within the emails and the lead generation from these can be tracked using analytics that are available on the platform.

The best part about Kajabi is that offers unlimited emails on the Basic and Growth pricing plans.

Key takeaway

Kajabi and Kartra, both, have strengths and limitations in this department, however, given the price that you are paying for the service, Kajabi seems reasonable, though email automation features by Kartra are no match.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Sales funnel/pipelines

Sales funnel or campaigns, when optimized, aid in generating more revenue by directing the customer's attention from the landing page, where they see your product, to the thank you page, when you have successfully convinced them to buy your product or sign up for your email list.

Kajabi provides a sales pipelines builder that features tutorials to get you started, alongside high-conversion methods. First, you will choose one pipeline template from the options given, then Kajabi will direct you to all the pages required for your marketing campaign. These pages can be customized, and new pages can be created. Basically, Kajabi makes it easier to design your sales funnel on one platform.

Kartra does not offer the same standard of features for creating sales funnel like Kajabi. There are some features worthy of noticing, but the visual appeal of Kajabi's funnel editor is matchless. With Kartra, the creator will have to create separate pages for each product and curate a different email funnel for each. In the end, you will have to manually link these, which is a time-consuming task.

Key Takeaway

Of course, Kajabi wins again. Its visual editor for funnels really sets it apart and the visual appeal is an important factor for sales.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is effective for generating extra revenue for your business. Kajabi and Kartra, both, allow affiliate marketing tools and features. Creators can choose products that they want affiliates to market for them. Creators can also create affiliate links and assign percentage of commissions.

Kartra also offers creators to collect tax forms from affiliates which can be useful for your business.

Key Takeaway

Though both offer equally good affiliate marketing tools and features, Kartra's features might take it to the next level. Again, that depends on your business requirements.

Kajabi vs Teachable: Best online course platform

Kajabi pricing structure


Kajabi offers three pricing plans:

  • The Basic Plan starts at $149 per month, which allows entrepreneurs to sell three digital products. Additional features are creation of pipelines, landing pages and marketing campaigns like email lists. This plan hosts only one website.
  • The Growth Plan starts at $199 per month, and it is primarily designed for establishes businesses. This plan allows creators to sell 15 digital products, along with 15 pipelines, landing pages with no limit, email marketing and is available for 10 admin users. This plan allows only one website.
  • The Pro Plan starts at $399 per month and is suited for advanced businesses, allowing them to sell hundred products, create hundred sales funnels, landing pages with no limit and email marketing. This plan also allows the creation of three websites.

Kajabi does not deduct a monthly fee on the creator's revenue, unlike other platforms.

Kartra vs Kajabi: Best online course platform

Here are the Kartra price plans

  • The Starter Plan starts at $99 per month, and allows only 2500 leads per month, hosting for only one website, with a limit of 100 pages, bandwidth of 50 GB and 15000 emails for every month. However, this, plan allows to sell 20 products.
  • The Silver Plan starts at $199 per month and allows 12,500 leads, three websites, and everything else is unlimited – pages, videos, bandwidth, storage, products and membership sites. This plan also allows creators to access the Kartra Agency which helps business owners like you in managing the business.
  • The Gold Plan starts at $299 per month and extends the limit on leads to 25,000. This plan also allows the hosting of five sites.
  • The Platinum Plan starts at $499 per month and extends the limit on leads to 50,000, with hosting for ten sites.

Key Takeaway

Both platforms offer great value for the money that you are paying, however, the ultimate decision depends on what type of business you have and what stage are you at – if it's a relatively new business, the Basic and Starter plans for Kajabi and Kartra, respectively, both, seem suitable. However, for more established businesses that want lesser limits, Kajabi is the way to go.

Customer support

Both platforms offer equally good customer support services for creators. Kartra's support team can be contacted through live chat or Kartraverse – which is Kartra's training program.

Kajabi also offers access to a live chat, email contact and access to Kajabi University. Kajabi's support services depend on the pricing plan you have chosen. There is also a Kajabi community that allows creators like you to interact with one another and learn together.

Key Takeaway

Both platforms offer top-notch customer service and tons of manuals and instructions on their platform to guide you.

The purpose of this review was to show you that Kajabi and Kartra have many similarities, but plenty of differences to make the former better than the latter.

Kajabi and Kartra offer exceptional features and tools to sell your products, market them and generate revenue.

However, with the money that you are paying and the services that are on offer, we believe Kajabi is the right choice. Of course, that also depends on your business type and requirements, but overall, Kajabi seems to be the win here. Click here to get your free trial of Kajabi.

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Can I Get A Blog In Kartra


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